As I wrote before, so far i've ordered everything I used from Chinese web vendors. The argument initially being the price, of course. I did not want to invest too much in a project with an unsure outcome, if that's not necessary. And in my case, there were many possible negative scenarios, making this a sort of high risk project. I did not know if I could pull it off, software-wise. I had some confidence in me getting the mechanical part sorted out. But then, if those two would come together, I did not even know if i could fly at all, or if I would like to fly such an apparatus. Or if I would continue to like it, once the challenge of getting things to work would wear off. But since my experiences with those Chinese vendors was positive all around, I continued to order from there to this very date. I have only once not received an order (out of some 200 orders), and that was settled with a refund after only two messages. Also, I received something different than I thought I...
This blog is all about my flying adventures with unmanned vehicles like drones, and model airplanes. Initial focus will be on my self-built drone project. As time progresses, I'll fly different drones and airplanes, undoubtedly, because this is such an addictive hobby!